First Christian Church - Aiken
2020 Sermons

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December 27 - Here We Are Again ... And Anew (Facebook video)

December 24 - Goodness and Love (Christmas Eve Service) (Facebook video)

December 20 - Claiming the Promise (Facebook video)

December 13 - Waiting on Joy (Facebook video)

December 6 - A Blue Christmas Service (Special Service) (Facebook video)

December 6 - What Shall I Cry? (Facebook video)

November 29 - For Those Who Wait (Facebook video)

November 22 - Thanksgiving Revisited (Facebook video)

November 15 - The Lord's Prayer Series: Guidance from Above (Facebook video)

November 8 - The Lord's Prayer III: The Power of Forgiveness (Facebook video)

November 1 - For They Existed (All Saints Day Service) (Facebook video)

October 25 - The Lord's Prayer: One Day at a Time (Facebook video)

October 18 - How Great Thou Art (Facebook video)

October 11 - Dr. Bryan Riley - Guest Speaker (Facebook video)

October 4 - When One Will Do (Facebook video)

September 27 - Through the Windows: Jesus Knocking (Facebook video)

September 26 - Joanne Caldwell Memorial Service (Facebook video)

September 20 - Through the Windows: Walking on Water (Facebook video)

September 14 - Graveside Service for Chuck Bassi (Facebook video)

September 13 - Through the Windows: Blessing the Children (Facebook video)

September 11 - Chuck Bassi Memorial Service (Facebook video)

September 6 - Through the Windows: The Good Shepard (Facebook video)

August 30 - Words to Live By (Facebook video)

August 27 - August Vesper Service (Facebook video)

August 23 - Body, Mind, and Spirit (Facebook video)

August 22 - Jim Mitchell Celebration of Life (Facebook video)

August 16 - Communion Under the Table (Facebook video - part 1) (Facebook video - part 2)

August 9 - One Thing After Another (Facebook video)

August 2 - "Nothing but" (Facebook video)

July 26 - Meditation (Facebook video)

July 19 - Seasons of a Church Life (Facebook video)

July 12 - Lighting Our Path (Facebook video)

July 5 - Our Actions / God's Response (Facebook video)

June 28 - When God Provides (Facebook video)

June 25 - Welcome and Be Welcomed - Vesper Service (Facebook video)

June 21 - Benevolent Trust (Facebook video)

June 14 - Listening For God (Facebook video)

June 7 - A Devine Partnership (Facebook video)

May 31 - The Gift of Other Languages (Facebook video)

May 24 - Carrying On (Facebook video)

May 17 - The Whole Piece (Facebook video)

May 10 - Growing Stronger (Facebook video)

May 3 - No Matter What (Facebook video)

April 26 - A New Day (Facebook video)

April 19 - Instructions of the Heart (Facebook video)

April 12 - Easter Service - (Facebook video)

April 10 - Maunday Thursday Service - (Facebook video)

April 5 Who is This? (Facebook video)

March 29 The Power of Connection (Facebook video)

March 22 Listening For God   (web audio)   or  (Facebook video)

March 15 Thirsting For God

March 8 Believe It or Not

March 1 Overcoming Temptations

February 26 Rending Our Hearts - Ash Wednesday Service

February 23 Stories of the Bible: Balaam's Donkey

February 16 Stories of the Bible: The Pool at Bethesda

February 9 Stories of the Bible: Daniel and the Lion's Den

February 2 Stories of the Bible: Feeding the Multitude

January 26 Stories of the Bible: Abraham and Sarah

January 19 Called To Serve

January 12 The Importance of Obedience

January 5 Precious Gifts